
Our location and how to find us.

Where are we?

The Worcestershire Imaging Centre is situated in the small Spa town of Droitwich in the West Midlands, and is adjacent to the Droitwich Spa Hospital.

We are within easy access to the M5 and with convenient parking close by. Birmingham is 20 miles to the North and Gloucester is 35 miles to the South of Droitwich Spa.


NB. Follow the red arrows on the map below:


Do you need an MRI scan? Refer yourself for an appointment with Worcestershire Imaging Centre.

Our self-referral form includes some important safety questions. Once these are satisfied, we will be able to book in your scan.


Need to refer your patient for an MRI? A referral form can be downloaded below.

A full list of contra-indications, including early pregnancy and patients with a Heart Pacemaker, can be found on our website here.