
Refer your patient today. Immediate appointments available for high quality MRI scans.

Information for Clinicians

Conditions often assessed using MRI


If your patient has any of the following, they may not be able to have a scan:

If any of the above apply, it may mean that MRI is not a safe examination in this case. Please telephone the Centre on 01905 771500 to speak to a Radiographer before referring your patient.

Refer your patient for an MRI

To refer your patient for an MRI scan, download and complete the referral form below:

MRI Referral Form (PDF)


Do you need an MRI scan? Refer yourself for an appointment with Worcestershire Imaging Centre.

Our self-referral form includes some important safety questions. Once these are satisfied, we will be able to book in your scan.


Need to refer your patient for an MRI? A referral form can be downloaded below.

A full list of contra-indications, including early pregnancy and patients with a Heart Pacemaker, can be found on our website here.